Monday, September 14, 2015

The Ball Is Always In Your Court

I was walking down the street with a good friend when a lady came up to us and asked if we had service on our phone. A little puzzled and doubtful, we answered yes and slowly started to walk away. 

As we began to leave, she said imagine you have a plate of food, and its filled with fried foods and healthy foods, would you eat it all because its being given to you or would you be selective with what you put into your body because of how it will make you feel and effect your health. 

My friend and I are the type of people that are drawn to positive vibes, the person's soul and the individual's uniqueness sooo we both knew we had to stand around to hear a little more of what she had to say... 

This lady, got into details about me and my friend's life that we hadn't disclosed to anyone. She claimed she wasn't an astrologer but believed strongly in God. Of course the other things she said stuck with me also, but what really stuck was that .. we don't have to eat everything we are given.. We have a choice.

That example forced me to expand my thinking and wonder how we let all the negativity and positivity we are served through out the day effect/feed us to the point where it either makes our day, or ruins it. Why are we not selective about it?

Maybe its because we fail to understand how it is shaping us and our life...

I have a little exercise for you:

Say to yourself with full emotion and character " I realllly realllyy hate my life, nothing ever goes how I want it to

Now, notice how you feel. I'm sure you don't feel happy or proud of your life. If anything, your body posture changed in a few seconds, you started breathing deeper, you started to think of all the things that are not in your favor currently.

Now in this second scenario, say to yourself again with full emotion and character: " I realllly realllyy love and enjoy my life!! Everything I truly want is in my favor "

Notice how pumped up you got.. Notice your heartbeat, your breathing, your posture, your thoughts..

Once you get in the habit of being in control of your life, you notice that you are in control of the choices you are making. BE PICKY, BE SELECTVE, BE SELFISH. 

Also along with thoughts, be selective about the foods you consume. This is going to be a gross example but whatever, its the best one I could think of. If you put a hairball in a pipe, every day / week / month / year , eventually the pipe will get clogged. You will then need to call either a plumber to clean out the pipe or throw it away.... Doesn't it sound too familiar to how we treat our body ?

If you eat junk ( fried foods, hard to digest foods , etc. ) your arteries and other areas of your body will eventually get clogged. Then either, you will have to get operated to clean out your arteries (pipes) or you might not even get a second chance. So, BE PICKY , BE SELECTIVE, BE SELFISH while choosing what goes into your body. 

Live in the moment, live in the present but don't forget that your present creates your future.


  1. Wow you explained two different things in one shot thought process and eating habits. And you said it correct we always have a choice. It's just that we have to pick up one and need to decide which one is good for us.
    It can be either our thoughts or it can be our eating habits. And if we see our lifestyle these days we definitely need to give a pause and think about what we are eating.
    Was the first time reading your blog. Keep up the work.

    1. Thank you Sahil, for reading the post and your response to it !! :)
